Your GitHub user account does not have access to this repo

Hi, trying to log into admin section of a public I just deployed, but getting the following message:
Your GitHub user account does not have access to this repo.

  • Added new Oauth app in GitHub

  • added in _config.yml (Jekyll)
    name: git-gateway
    branch: master # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)

  • sent invite to my email (same one as GitHub email)

while jekyll uses _config.yml, our CMS uses config.yml. Did you add the quoted things to the jekyll or netlify config file?

to Jekyll config file

ok, so, that won’t do anything for the CMS/Identity, which I believe is what is showing that error message based on your “logging into the admin” comment. If not, it would be useful to tell us what URL you see the problem at.

Assuming my guess is right, I’d suggest checking the CMS docs again, which refer only to our config files and not Jekyll’s: Configuration Options | Netlify CMS | Open-Source Content Management System

thanks, will check :+1:

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please loop back here and let us know when you know :slight_smile: