Deploy Key for the site that included submodule (focused-northcutt-26251a)

Hi there!

I was reading: [Common Issue] How do I access private repositories in the build environment? and Repository permissions and linking

May I please get the SSH key that I can add to my “bot” Github Account? I’d like to use multiple submodules.
The site is focused-northcutt-26251a

Thank you!

Hey there, here’s your public key!

ssh-rsa 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

There’s a good bit of info in this post too.

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Hi there! Just dropping by to mention that we have now shipped a UI update that allows you to generate a deploy key in the UI and no longer have to get in touch with support to do so in case you need another in the future :tada:

more here:

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