Can't create an A DNS registry


I’m trying to add A record for to my account but keep getting “ dns_api - 400 - link exists, all config must be empty” errors.

I have read that this must be done for you manually, can you help me?

Thank you!

hey Aitor,

we have flipped a switch and you should now be able to delete the records that are blocking you from the UI and can create your own. Let us know if this doesn’t work for some reason.

Where is supposed this switch must to be? I can’t find it. I only need to add an A DNS record for Mailchimp configuration.

Thank you,

we changed things on our end, and you should now be able to delete those records. Are you not able to still?

The problem is I have not an A registry created:

But when I add a new registry, it throws me the error I have shared on my first message.

Thank you,

Hey @AitorRodriguez990,
There’s no way you could have known this without us telling you, but the NETLIFY records you see there are A records. So if you click on the NETLIFY record for, you will find that you can delete it if you wish. You will have to delete this record in order to create a different A record for that’s what the cryptic error “link exists, all config must be empty” means :slight_smile:

However… I don’t think you should have to do that for setting up Mailchimp. Are you sure they want you to create an A record as opposed to a CNAME? If you want to share the instructions you’re working from, we’d be happy to take a look.

For the moment, I will not do anything because I think is working now and you are right I must not create an A record different to CNAME.

Thank you!

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