Cant add custom domain

So, I created my netlify account and was able to add my domain name back in August of last year. I signed back in and now my domain is not on there. I try to add it back and get the error “A DNS zone for this domain already exists under a different account” My domain is registered with Can someone help please Thanks!

which custom domain and netlify site is this regarding? and I just sign into Im not aware of different netlify sites?

well, which netlify site id/name (Example: are you trying to connect your custom domain to? I was messing around with somethings and changed my sub domain.

Im thinking my domain maybe under another netlify account. I havent logged in in a while since the other day. I looked at and my server name says netlify. Netlify is saying I jus created this account but I had one since august/sep of last year

angry-golick-17ac03 I found my original email for when I first signed up and that was my site id name at first

Can anyone help? I am still trying to figure this out?

Hey damarkus,

I found your site for you:

Now what you’ll want to do is log in to netlify and set up the DNS correctly so that points correctly to that netlify site.

What exactly do I do next? I try to add my domain and it says “Another site is already using this domain”. I try changing my sub domain to but still not able to add domain.

Hi Damarkus_Harris, thanks for getting in touch.

We have sent you an email to the email address associated with your Netlify account, and we’ll communicate with you through that email to continue resolving this issue.
(Please note that for security reasons, we will not contact you at email addresses not listed in your Netlify account.)

Also, please let us know with a reply here if you don’t receive a message from us.