Wildcard subdomains

We need to enable wildcard subdomains for *.mytalks.co (conversas-production.netlify.com).

We are using Netlify DNS, we’ve upgraded to PRO and we set www.mytalks.co as the primary domain, according to Wildcard Subdomain

It seems the last remaining step is for support to enable the feature.
Can you enable it for us, please? Thanks!

Hi @metadados! Welcome to netlify community.

I believe we enabled this on Monday for you via our helpdesk.

Let us know if anything else is needed at this time!

Thanks @laura , I can resolve the dns for www.mytalks.co but not yet for test.mytalks.co. Is there any other we need to do on our end?

Hi, @metadados.

We have sent you an email to the email address associated with your Netlify account, and we’ll communicate with you through that email to continue resolving this issue.
(Please note that for security reasons, we will not contact you at email addresses not listed in your Netlify account.)

Also, please let us know with a reply here if you don’t receive a message from us.