Why new posts don't appear on the blog

I’ve created two pages and each page has its own domain name. For the first one I set _redirect and works as needed, i.e.

netlify address -> my address. (and its work correctly)

For the second page I set the same way:
(A record + cname)
then again _redirect.

But this is not workin like in 1st example

This is one problem.
The second is that both sides are not working.
I managed to post one post.
But now how do I use your cms and upload a new post even though it’s published it doesn’t show up on the site, can you know why? Why does it work once and once it doesn’t work?

As far as forwarding (redirect) is concerned, I’m using a template:

( The Butler) Cecil and Hyde.

I did try to add _redirects file to main catalog and also to to /static folder

and also
this is confing.yml. Mby should i edit this redirect label ?

title: blog title
baseline: basabaseurl: /
canonicalurl: true
theme: hyde
  format: j F Y
  timezone: Europe/Paris
  max: 5
  path: page
  extension: ''
  mediatype: text/plain
output: netlify_redirects
layout: admin/index
title: Content Manager (Netlify CMS)
output: html
path: admin
version: latest
version: v1

and i also find this:
" If you’re running a build command or site generator, the _redirects file should end up in the folder you’re deploying."

How to move “_redirect” file to the end?

I’ve also tried these rules, but it doesn’t work either. [[redirects]]

from = "https://somenetlifysite.netlify.com"
  to = "https://mycustomdomain.com"
  status = 301
  force = true

@jasa2, what Netlify site is this for? Would you please send us a link to it?

Regarding having the CMS updates triggered new builds, that is usually automatic once Git Gateway is configured.

For the redirects, what are the values for these redirects?