Weird spams in forms

Hello. I have enabled netlify forms on my website. Super awesome feature by the way. The anti-spam feature really helps a lot to avoid spams in my inbox. I have the forms enabled from around 3 months and everything worked fine for the first 2 months. Recently I have been noticing this weird spam messages in the forms, They usually only contain one random word. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like

My site is not popular for this many messages to come through. I am just wondering if there was a change in how spam is detected or how its being filtered through. I agree there is a report as spam button but I would like to know if there were any changes that happened because it worked super great for the first 2 months.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @eyadkobatte, our spam handling has not changed. However, if you do determine those are spam, you can mark them as spam (as mentioned here) and that will help improve Akismet’s algorithms (which is what we use to detect spam).