Website not working properly after redirect

here’s my redirect rule
from = “/faq”
to = “
status = 200
force = true

I am redirecting users to, from gomoney Digital Bank | Digital Bank In Nigeria but can’t click on anything after redirecting.

I can click on this but can’t click on this gomoney Digital Bank | Digital Bank In Nigeria

@gbemi Shouldn’t

to = “”


to = “”


yes that is how it is in my netlify.toml file, forgot to add the prefix while typing.
from = “/faq”
to = “
status = 200
force = true


Have you seen this:

I’m guessing that because you have a /faq page, the 200 redirect is showing the other page without changing the URL. If you change that to a 301, it will tell Netlify to show the other page even though the /faq page exists.

Yes i have, but didn’t really understand what i was reading. I changed the status to 301 and it seems to work fine, thanks alot.

One more thing though, using 301 changes the url and i would like to maintain the /faq url, is there a way to do that?

@gbemi Yes, publish the information at the /faq address and forget the redirect. :slight_smile:

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