Unable to get a Let's Encrypt cert because DNS verification is failing

Domain: covidtracking.com
Instance name: upbeat-lovelace-3e9fff

This instance has a domain name registerered at another registrar. It is not possible to transfer this.

The nameservers on the other registrar have been set per Netlify’s instructions to:
Nameserver: dns1.p02.nsone.net
Nameserver: dns2.p02.nsone.net
Nameserver: dns3.p02.nsone.net
Nameserver: dns4.p02.nsone.net

Whois verifies that the actual settings match the requested settings.

The domain loads correctly without a certification, using plain old http. But when using https there is a certificate error.

Go to Settings > Domain > HTTPS
Hit “DNS verification” button
Get error " DNS verification failed * covidtracking.com doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify"

I suspect there is a bug in the DNS verifier.

Hi, @lucasgonze. It appears that the SSL certificate was updated about 30-40 minutes after this topic was created. It is working now when I test.

Why didn’t it work before this? My best guess is the “time to live” (TTL) values in the records themselves:

If there are other questions or concerns, please let us know.