TypeError: Cannot read property 'activities' of undefined

I need advice to debug deploy Netlify App

Build is failing which is strange as it works on my local and the only difference between the previous build and the new one is the one where I added few more md files. No configuraiton changes. Can someone please help with this?

Github link: GitHub - nerdyhorse/nerdy-horse-blog: An anonymous blog by nerdy horse
in case someone needs it to debug it.

I even reverted back the code to the last successful deployment. It is breaking for them too.

hey there,

this seems to be a gatsby error:

if you scroll down to the bottom, you can see some tips that might help:

"I was seeing the same issue in our ci after a package-lock file update, which worked fine locally. gatsby-cli is not in in package.json, but added to package-lock.json as dependency of gatsby.

Bumping gatsby version to 2.20.24 (and clean reinstall, reset of package-lock) solved it for me as well. I never saw this on my local environment though."

Actually I fixed it.
The issue was gatsby-cli recently had a version bump, which was breaking the older gatsby versions. I bumped in my system and could reproduce the issue. All I had to do is bump up the gatsby libraries I was using and it fixed the issue.

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