SSL Issue with custom domain

I have added a custom domain “” and have also updated my DNS provider (AWS Route 53) - added an A record pointing to ip address provided by netlify. However i am getting ssl error when trying to open my site using https.


Also i see a Digicert certificate instead of lets encrypt. Any help would be appreciated

Hi @ritesh85! Welcome to netlify community.

The SSL certificate is working now. The additional delay seems to have been enough to allow things to work right when our system attempted to re-issue the certificate.

Generally, the reason we are unable to provision a complete SSL certificate for your custom domain is that the DNS cache time to live (TTL) value for a record has not had time to expire (from your old settings) before you tried to use it with Netlify. Our SSL provider ( is unable to create certificates for names that have old cached values still in effect.

Please let me know if things are not working as expected now.