[Solved] Redirecting domain, keeping the path


I have two domains, and I want to forward all traffic from one domain to the other. Usually I’d do this via DNS but the client is quite specific that if someone visits https://www.example.com/a-specific-path it gets redirected to https://www.exampletwo.com/a-specific-path

Is this possible?


Solved this.

If anyone lands here looking for the solution, this was it;

http://olddomain.com/* https://newdomain.com/:splat 301!
https://olddomain.com/* https://newdomain.com/:splat 301!
http://www.olddomain.com/* https://newdomain.com/:splat 301!
https://www.olddomain.com/* https://newdomain.com/:splat 301!
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Nice! Thanks for coming back and sharing your solution.