[SOLVED] How can I save my post as draft?

Hi there, can someone just lemme know how can I save my post as draft? In Publish button menu there are Publish and Publish and Create New options.
I just installed netlifyCMS on my Hugo blog.

It’s done. I added below line of code in config,yml file under fields
-{label: “Save as Draft”, name: “draft”, required: false, widget: “boolean”, default: true}

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Try using the editorial workflow: Configuration Options | Netlify CMS | Open-Source Content Management System

-{label: “Save as Draft”, name: “draft”, required: false, widget: “boolean”, default: true}

Beware, the quotes have been automatically reformatted by the forum, (it gives the error “No control for widget boolean”), here is the right formatting:

- {label: "Draft", name: "draft", widget: "boolean", required: false, default: true}

It added this field to UI, but it stays published

There’s a good chance that the posts above where about a template, SSG or starter that included this functionality. Setting a boolean published field does not affect every static site generator by default. Which SSG are you using?

I’m using Gatsby SSG