Slack cannot post to Lambda Endpoint

SiteName: thetoulbox

Problem: I am enabling Slack interactivity for whenever a user posts a comment to my site. When someone posts Netlify lambda posts the message into Slack. There is no problem there (Netlify → Slack). However, whenever I click the button from within Slack to approve or delete the button it sends an HTTP Post to the Endpoint mentioned but it doesn’t work (Slack → Netlify). I have added the endpoint in the slack interactivity section and previously it worked. Is Netlify expecting a token of some sort?

Hi @toul, welcome to the community!

The reason you aren’t getting a response is because your function is currently only deploy for the ‘post’ branch deploy ( You are trying to access the function on your custom domain but that points to your production branch. Either use the url I posted, or deploy your functions to your main branch.

Let me know if that helps.