Signup landing page. - Gridsome starter bootstrap

Hello Everyone.

I just created a page using gridsome. i am having problem with vue-carousel on netlify. After deploy on vue-carousel is not working. but its working fine on local dev.

Here is my code.

<carousel :perPage="3">

 export default {
    name: 'Index',
    components: {
      Carousel: () =>
        import ('vue-carousel/src/index')
        .then(m => m.Carousel)
      Slide: () =>
        import ('vue-carousel/src/index')
        .then(m => m.Slide)

can you describe a bit more how its not working? I am not sure what i am looking for when i look at that page!

Sometimes these things can be caused by case issues:

Hello perry,

Thanks for you kind response. Actually it was my mistake everything was fine but unforunately i linked wrong branch of github.


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