Select Widget with list widget

My goal is to allow a user to select multiple options from list widget which I previously created. It looks like the built in relation widget has support for this with the multiple field, in the docs here:

This doesn’t seem to work like I expect it to. I’m sure someone else has done something similar before, but I have not yet found it anywhere online. Is there some kind of better approach using the relation widget?


Our support team hasn’t tried that configuration so not sure what the answer would be. Maybe @tomrutgers has some clues since he’s pretty CMS-savvy, or else you could try pinging the developers in their slack, linked from here: Community | Netlify CMS | Open-Source Content Management System .

The relation widget indeed has built in support for multiple items using the multiple: true property. Here’s a basic example:

  - name: posts
    label: Posts
    folder: data/posts/
    create: true
    slug: "{{title}}"

      - {name: title, label: Title, widget: string}

      - name: categories
        label: Categories
        widget: relation
        collection: "categories"
        searchFields: ["name"]
        valueField: "name"
        displayFields: ["name"]
        multiple: true

  - name: categories
    label: Categories
    folder: data/categories/
    create: true
    slug: "{{name}}"
    identifier_field: name
      - {name: name, label: Name}

You can also nest the relation widget in the list widget like so:

  - name: posts
    label: Posts
    folder: data/posts/
    create: true
    slug: "{{title}}"

      - {name: title, label: Title, widget: string}

      - name: categories
        widget: list
        field: {
          label: "category",
          name: "category",
          widget: "relation",
          collection: "categories",
          searchFields: ["name"],
          valueField: "name"

  - name: categories
    label: Categories
    folder: data/categories/
    create: true
    slug: "{{name}}"
    identifier_field: name
      - {name: name, label: Name}