Pricing question: Free tier 1 member is yourself or 1 in addition to yourself?

Pricing question: Free tier “1 member” is yourself or 1 member in addition to yourself?

The pricing table makes it sound like it’s one in addition to yourself, but when you go to add one additional member, the message makes it unclear if that 1 additional member will be $15/month or if you’ll be charged for additional members beyond that (so 3 members including yourself).

If free tier is 2 members (yourself and one other), maybe make it clear you’re just collecting payment info for any additional members but not charging for the member you’re currently adding.

Add extra seats
We automatically update your billing as you add and remove team members.
Inviting 1 new member will add 1 extra seat at $15/month to your monthly bill.

hey anthony,

the starter (aka free tier) “1 member” is yourself. Hope this helps clarify :+1:

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