Page Not Found on deploy

I’m new to development and part of one of the projects I’m working on has me signing up for deploying my git. I’m getting the error “Page Not Found Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.” once I’ve clicked on the link provided by netlify. Here is the link:

Hi there,

Did you see this guide yet? This is the best place to start for “Page Not Found” issues.

If you are still seeing issues after following the troubleshooting steps in this guide, please let us know!

I did. Thank you. I can also see my index.html so I didn’t think it was that but like I said I’m still new to all of this and can’t seem to figure it all out.

hi, is the repo public that you are building from? if so, can you post a link to that and a screenshot of your build settings please?

Yes I believe it’s public.

can you give us the link to your repo so we can take a look? thanks.

hi, that is the link to your netlify site, not the repo it is being built from - how are you deploying and building your site?

Apologies are you referring to the github?

yes! if we can take a look at that, it would be helpful.

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Here is my github

so here, the content that you are trying to deploy is in the folder Weather App.

It doesn’t look like you are switching into that folder as per your build settings.

I would move the content in your repo up a level and not store it in a sub folder, (so, on the same level as the file .gitattributes upload your repo to GitHub and try again. Does that make sense?

generally, folder names should also not have spaces in them, as that can cause some unpredictable problems - just as a little extra tip.

Awesome thank you! I can see it now!

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fab! glad it worked!