Page Not Found on deploy- Git Hub

I’m new to development and part of one of the projects I’m working on has me signing up for deploying my git. I’m using the hugo-academic template I found on git.
Page Not Found Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.” once I’ve clicked on the link provided by netlify. I’ve tried everything and it didn’t work…


@legey Welcome to the Netlify community.

Have you consulted this information yet?

Thanks Gregraven.

Yes I consulted and it didn’t work…

howdy, can you show us a screenshot of your build settings please?

@legey I was going to suggest downloading a copy of your deploy to make certain that each of your files is where you (and Netlify) expect it to be.

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that’s a great idea, greg.

I tried again, and now it’s giving error :frowning:

6:51:34 PM: Build ready to start

6:51:36 PM: build-image version: b0258b965567defc4a2d7e2f2dec2e00c8f73ad6

6:51:36 PM: build-image tag: v3.4.1

6:51:36 PM: buildbot version: fcbc7a79f7372e5995cf02954ef19fc48d20c871

6:51:36 PM: Fetching cached dependencies

6:51:36 PM: Starting to download cache of 8.8MB

6:51:36 PM: Finished downloading cache in 317.922244ms

6:51:36 PM: Starting to extract cache

6:51:36 PM: Finished extracting cache in 126.958995ms

6:51:36 PM: Finished fetching cache in 448.624352ms

6:51:36 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build

6:51:37 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master

6:51:38 PM: Failing build: Failed to parse configuration

6:51:38 PM: Failed during stage ‘Reading and parsing configuration files’:
Base directory does not exist: /opt/build/repo/exampleSite

: exit status 1

6:51:39 PM: Finished processing build request in 3.106201006s

@legey Make sure to have any ad blockers or tracking plugins turned off for

Yes, I had already tested this

hi legey, looking at your package.json, i think you have quite a few things (dependencies and also commands) missing that are needed to build your project.

I only see this in your package.json:

  "devDependencies": {},
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

which isn’t really enough. What commands are you running to build this app locally?

see this thread i responded to in depth today that contains a lot more info:

and this might be helpful too:

i built a static website portofolio and published it using Netlify but it is showing page not found

i also checked the deploy copy and it has all the files, does it make a difference if my html file is not named “index.html”

Thank you for your help

Hi @icicesttg

As explained in [Support Guide] I’ve deployed my site but I still see "Page not found” you need an index.html file. If you change Badji.html to index.html this will fix the issue.

There is an issue in the Badji.html file though, specifically the image source path. This path is a Windows-style path, and won’t work in a browser. Additionally, the case and file path are incorrect as it is Pictures\profilePicture.JPG however the directory in GitHub is Picture (no s) and the file Profile Picture.JPG (with a space).

As a general rule, filesname are always lowercase, and should not contain spaces. Replace spaces with either hyphen - or underscore _.