Outgoing webhook on production deploy

Outgoing webhook on production deploy

Right now the webhook triggers on every deploy, so also on deploy previews. I’m using it to trigger a specific job on gitlab (e2e tests) which should test a production environment after it is deployed. There might be information in the JSON that is send along with the trigger stating what kind of deploy caused the trigger, but I do not have the option to parse it. A specific webhook which only triggers on a production deploy would be great.

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But you do have an option to parse incoming webhooks here. We set $WEBHOOK_BODY in the environment and you can examine and react to it in your build :smiley:

In case you want to “filter” your OUTGOING webhooks like that, we recommend a service like zapier.com where you can parse the body and react programatically (e.g. forward only ones with context set to production for your use case)