Open API : How to specify team when creating a new site

Hi all. I’m trying to use the Open API to create a new site on a specific team on which I’m a member. I’ve specified the account_name and account_slug params of the request body and for some reason that doesn’t seem to do the trick. e.g.:

// request
    // ... more settings
    "account_name": "Minimart",
    "account_slug" : "resto-minimart"

the response payload, however, always defaults to my other team:

// response
    // ... other stuff
    "account_slug": "resto",
    "account_name": "Resto",     
    // ... other stuff

Any guidance around this would be helpful. I’ve consulted the Open API docs and can’t figure out how to pass the correct data to assign it to a different team.

Thanks :+1:

Hey @Resto,
Sorry for the slow response here and thanks for your patience! You should be able to use Netlify API documentation to do this. Please let us know if that doesn’t work for you!

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Ah, perfect. Thanks!

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