New CI=true build configuration, "Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true"

I do agree with the part about treating warnings as errors. That’s a very fair point. Warnings should generally not ever break stuff.

If it’s an error and a dev is deploying and ignoring errors, then that’s different.

To clarify, it’s not Netlify that’s breaking stuff. It’s your site builder. When it detects a CI environment, it decides to treat warnings and errors. Netlify only adopted to the standards.

A post was split to a new topic: Build failing with v8:Internal error

A post was split to a new topic: CI = npm run build and it did not work

Please post what that solution was next time so it can help others. I’m going through this now and need to know what that solution is.

I assume the solution was CI= npm run build as the build command, since that’s the solution for everyone in this thread?

None of these solutions worked for my react typescript project. I had to change node version in Netlify App<YOUR_PROJECT>/configuration/deploys from version 18.x to 16.x - It’s sad things are breaking like this

Hi, @seunafara. If changing your node version fixed the build error then you are likely not impacted by the issue in this topic. Your build error was unrelated to issues reported by others here. Because your build error isn’t related to this topic, it would only make sense that the solution here didn’t work for you (again, because this topic had nothing to do with the error you saw).

The issue you seemed to have encountered is that your dependencies in package.json changed their required node version and Netlify doesn’t control that (as the dependency you chose controls this).

It is true that the page you mention is one of several ways to change Node.js version used. All methods of changing the version can be found here: