Netlify-identity-widget doesn't support autofill by password managers

Are you using the netlify-identity-widget in production?

We have an open github issue to track autofill support, it would be helpful to get some more eyes on it if you have any thoughts!


Thanks for filing that issue! It’s not limited to linux; I agree with the assertion that it just in general doesn’t work well with password managers (I tested 1password and OSX/chrome with similar results).

We’ll update there if we make any changes, though we don’t have anyone working on the widget right now so a community contribution would be :ok_hand: and likely to land sooner :slight_smile:

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we don’t have anyone working on the widget right now so a community contribution would be :ok_hand: and likely to land sooner :slight_smile:

this is helpful to know, thanks!

Update: @fool I want to use Netlify Identity because it pairs very nicely with Netlify Functions (migrating to amazon cognito would probably set me back a week), do you know of any example projects that use Netlify Identity but don’t rely on the netlify-identity-widget?

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didn’t have to look far, this looks like it will be helpful! GitHub - netlify-labs/react-netlify-identity: a tiny (4kb) React hook for using Netlify Identity, no UI. SEEKING MAINTAINERS