Netlify CMS /admin not able to confirm email address

Hey! So I’m trying to get this working locally before I push it to Git but I can’t seem to be getting it to work.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Comment out Netlify CMS widget scripts in index.html and index.js.

    <script src=""></script>

  2. Create confirmation, recovery, invitation, and email-change HTML files in my admin folder. Then copy and paste the code from here into their respective files.

  3. Then in Netlify, add the file paths relative to my domain to **Settings > Identity > Emails **.

Like so…


…and so on for the rest of the files.

The only step I’m not 100% clear on is " You will have to tell you SSG not to add a layout to these templates (there shouldn’t be any <html> , <head> or <body> tags for these pages)." I assumed this is as simple as omitting these tags and leaving the copied code untouched.

Now, I’m testing it by running gatsby develop and viewing the /admin page locally. Here’s what I see:

Would you be able to point out something I am maybe doing wrong? If it helps, I can push all these changes.