Media Files cannot be loaded & no button login function for admin portal

Hi, @sumhm. I do see the custom domain is not being served by Netlify. Some other service is being used to proxy to us. The IP address used is one for StackPath.

$ whois "$(dig A +short | tail -n 1)" | grep "OrgName"
OrgName:        StackPath, LLC.

The DNS records also confirm this:

$ dig  +noall +answer

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> +noall +answer
;; global options: +cmd	250 IN	CNAME 550	IN	A

Note, we do not recommend proxying to our CDN.

That being said, if you are seeing incorrect content served, please let us know the x-nf-request-id header for the incorrect response and we can research this further. There is more information about how to find that header here:

If there are other questions or if there is a header we can research, please let us know.