Loading font files from Netlify Large Media fails

I am tracking some font files with Netlify Large Media. But when I visit my site I get the following warnings in my brower’s console:

Failed to decode downloaded font: <URL>
Failed to decode downloaded font: data:font/woff2;base64, ...
OTS parsing error: invalid version tag

I am wondering if the font files have been manipulated on Netlify servers. My local build works with these fonts.

This was related to my webpack config in my next.config.js file. I replaced url-loader with file-loader.

More about this issue here on webpack GitHub issues:
[loader] Failed to decode downloaded font. OTS parsing error: invalid version tag

@saw-mon_and_natalie, again I must thank you for such a detailed explanation of the issue, finding your own solution without our assistance, and (last but not least) for taking the time to come back here to share the solution you found.

Hopefully others in the future with similar issues will find this community topic and be able to learn from what you have posted. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your solution!

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