Links are being repeated on the wrong hrefs

Hello, I am having an issue where certain links are getting the wrong href values. This works fine for me locally.

If you scroll down on this page, /r/ADHD has an href value of a link somewhere else on the page.

Same with #NeruoDiverseSquad and Statistically speaking most people are skimming this article right now.

I have never seen an error like this. I am printing out the values I am using right now to generate links in the console and they match up to what they should be

Hi, @GeorgeNance.

About the incorrect link … I don’t know. One thing I did notice is that is it is site javascript changing the link. Here the <a> tag from the HTML sent:

<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="TextLink__A-sc-1mwetuq-2 eeBMEq"><span class="TextLink__FGText-sc-1mwetuq-0 djWJRl">/r/ADHD</span><span aria-hidden="true" class="TextLink__BGText-sc-1mwetuq-1 hyZakQ">/r/ADHD</span></a>

However, after the javascript runs, the HTML has become:

<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="TextLink__A-sc-1mwetuq-2 eeBMEq"><span class="TextLink__FGText-sc-1mwetuq-0 djWJRl">/r/ADHD</span><span aria-hidden="true" class="TextLink__BGText-sc-1mwetuq-1 hyZakQ">/r/ADHD</span></a>

If this isn’t happening for the local build, the next step would be to look at the javascript responsible in the local build and then see if the javascript at Netlify differs. If it does, please let us know and our support team will be happy to troubleshoot the build itself.

The site code is something we cannot troubleshoot (someone else here might though). However, we will definitely always troubleshoot why code might build differently at Netlify than it does locally.

If the builds to differ, please let us know what file/bundle is different we’ll start researching the issue to find out why so this can be corrected.

If you want to download all the files in a specific deploy (to compare them to your local version), this can be done with the following button in each (successful) deploy details page:


​Please let us know if there are other questions or if the builds are different.