Issue with displaying/pointing Netlify website on Squarespace subdomain

What I am trying to do is to display the contents of this website: on my squarespace subdomain . In other words, I want to give this link to people ( and they will see the content of this netlify website ( without them knowing or being redirected towards that address on Netlify.

On the Squarespace side of things, things seem OK. Dig (DNS lookup)

I am in doubt if I should do anything on the Netlify side of things. I thought I needed this Configure external DNS for a custom domain | Netlify Docs but it says nothing about configuring on Netlify.

This is my current configuration at Netlify:

I am also confused on terminology. I think what I am trying to do is “Pointing” but I am not sure.

Any help is extremely appreciated.

Hey @flavioazevedo,

You appear to be on the right track. From here, simply click ‘Add custom domain’ and add

Once propagated, I can’t see why it wouldn’t work!


Hi there Pieparker,


I think - but not certain - that the issue was that when added a custom domain, I used “http://www.” whereas I think that the correct way might be just be and then (I just did it) and the DNS error is gone, and I guess I have to wait a bit until it propagates, and then it should be fine (?).

It is the first time that it does not display an error when I insert the subdomain:

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