Is redirect handling distributed / what is running the reverse proxy?

I haven’t seen a question / post about what is powering Netlify’s reverse proxy. Is it nginx, haproxy, something custom?

Content is distributed to CDNs, but what are the availability concerns of whatever is running the proxy? I am also a huge nerd and genuinely interested in how you have scaled this part of the platform.


Hi Robert! These are great questions - we’ll get some info on this soon :slight_smile:

Hey Robert,

I chatted with the team and what we can tell you is that it is a custom solution we’ve built out, which isn’t haproxy or nginx :slight_smile:

Just wondering if you have a problem or bug you are trying to fix? Let us know if there is something specific we can assist with!

OK, I was betting on AWS API Gateway.

If our front end, services, and even database are all globally distributed to the edge, and there is a custom reverse proxy sitting in AWS that isn’t, I’d like to know about that risk.