I want my netlify success page to link to a div on the same page

Hi my Netlify site domain is kylesloper.netlify.com [actual domain: kylesloper.ga]

At the bottom of my “hire” page I have a Netlify contact form, when the user submits the message I want a dialog to pop up notifying them. I have done this by making a js script telling it to show only when a specific link is arrived at. Here is the js for that.

			   if(window.location.hash === "#6584526584")

				   if(window.location.hash === "#6584526584")

#6584526584 being the link that would show this message. (kylesloper.ga/#6584526584)

When I set my Netlify form action so that it links the success page to /(being index)#6584526584 it does not show the div but show the default Netlify success page. Is there a work around?

Thankyou in advance

Hi @kylesloper, if you want to be able to redirect to a path with an anchor hash property, you probably will want to use JS to submit your form, rather than using the default form submit behavior. You’ll want to do a POST to the path your form is on and then use JS to then trigger your modal directly. Would that work for you?