How to send File uploads using fetch via Netlify forms?

Using that repo as a guide, I was able to get a ‘single’ File sent after validation. However I can’t seem to get Netlify to recognise multiple files within the Filelist object that is sent for a single field. I even tried creating a new array with the given File objects instead, but the response for that field Netlify side is then blank:

function encode(data) {
const formData = new FormData();

for (const key of Object.keys(data)) {
    if(key === 'repairs_files'){
        const files = Object.entries(data[key]);
        let filesArr = []; => {
           return filesArr.push(file[1]);
        formData.append(key, filesArr);
    } else {
        formData.append(key, data[key]);
return formData;


So I guess the question is in what format does Netlify accept ‘multiple’ File uploads for a single field. Or does it only accept single File uploads? And therefore I’d need to create 3 fields for single File uploads?