How to reference to an image from html code in Markdown editor

I am trying to add an image button from the markdown editor on About page.

I have images under a folder static/img and can see those images are copied into public/img folder

But when open the About page, the image always broken

Could someone help please?

<img src="img/c.jpg" onclick="" />

![A picture of a cute dog](img/c.jpg)

Interestingly, the image path works for a direct img in markdown, but not working for the reference inside html code.

so it seems that html image reference always prepend …/…/static/ before the image path.
How can we solve it?

Hey @franva,
Were you able to get this working?

no luck, somehow the src attribute is always prefixed with …/…/…/static

This looks related to Images are uploaded into wrong Media folder - #3 by franva so I’m going to lock this thread and we can continue the conversation over there to keep things tidy :broom: