How to deploy sites from Mono repo, while ignoring the Node app sub-repo?

Hi everyone,
I have monorepo setup using yarn workspaces. 2 frontend Gatsby sites, 1 NodeJS app (deployed on Heroku). Node app’s package.json has an engine.node field. When Netlify tries to npm-install i get error

How can I tell netlify to just ignore the Node app? and just deploy the 2 sites and setup their environment variables?

Even if I try to set up base directory netlify throws the error cuz it’s trying to do npm install from root.

Hi, @mahaveer0496, and welcome to the Netlify community site. :+1:

Would you please try setting the base directory in the web UI to see if that resolves the issue? If it is set in netlify.toml the yarn install may happen in the repo base and not the base directory configured in the TOML file.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, would you please send us a link to the deploy in our web UI?