GraphQL...unix error: No such file or directory

hi there, welcome.

please use proper code formatting for long code sequences by putting ``` around them, thanks! makes things much easier to read.

so this is indeed the problem:

error There was an error in your GraphQL query:
8:42:12 PM: /tmp/a1c1f224789e11f1e3723b8d860bfc4a-webcam-3/24/2020, 3:03:15 PM.png-6ce06c985a63ca067fa773978f8dc759..png: unable to open for write
8:42:12 PM: unix error: No such file or directory
8:42:12 PM:    1 | fragment GatsbyContentfulFluid_tracedSVG on ContentfulFluid {
8:42:12 PM: >  2 |   tracedSVG
8:42:12 PM:      |   ^
8:42:12 PM:    3 |   aspectRatio
8:42:12 PM:    4 |   src
8:42:12 PM:    5 |   srcSet
8:42:12 PM:    6 |   sizes
8:42:12 PM:    7 | }
8:42:12 PM:    8 |
8:42:12 PM:    9 | query HomeQuery {
8:42:12 PM:   10 |   allContentfulBlogPost(sort: {fields: [publishDate], order: DESC}) {
8:42:12 PM:   11 |     edges {
8:42:12 PM:   12 |       node {
8:42:12 PM: File path: /opt/build/repo/src/pages/index.js

First thing you’ll want to check is whether your site builds locally. does it? It seems like your GraphQL is unhappy.

If not, here are some useful tips on debugging:

if you are still having problems after working through those guides, let us know :muscle:!

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