Getting this error while configuring netlify lfs : Provisioning Netlify Large Media × Provisioning Netlify Large Media → Error {"error":"Large Media addon doesn't support the repo linked to multiple sites

Hi, @theanswer. I can confirm that this repo isn’t linked to any other sites so that error doesn’t make sense.

Would you be willing to please test the following?

If so, in the repo directory with the Netlify CLI tool, please do the following:

$ netlify logout
$ netlify login

Then, in our web app, please “re-link” the existing repo here:

To “re-link”, the steps are:

  • click the “Edit settings” button on the page above
  • click “Link to a different repository”
  • select the original repository

Then try the Large Media setup again:

$ netlify plugins:install netlify-lm-plugin
$ netlify lm:install 
$ netlify link
$ netlify lm:setup

You might skip the netlify link step if the repo is already linked to the site correctly. (You can test that with netlify status.)

If this still doesn’t resolve the issue, please let us know.