Gatsby + SCSS = no Netlify CMS preview styles


I’m working on a Gatsby site that uses gatsby-plugin-sass with the globImporter() option. The issue is that the Netlify CMS preview doesn’t load any styles. I’ve read about adding styles to the CMS but this implies using a global styles CSS file, which I don’t seem to have.

Has anyone done this and successfully applied styles to the CMS previews?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @pastenes :wave:
Are you using the gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms? If so the should build the CMS with any styles you reference in custom preview templates.
See also Importing SCSS into cms module breaks only during live netlify deploy (gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms) · Issue #22580 · gatsbyjs/gatsby · GitHub

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I’m experiencing the same issue but I’m using eleventy.