Gatsby deployment problem

Hello, I want to deploy from contentful or git to Netlify and I receive error

Please check error below:

3:57:53 PM: 144 packages are looking for funding
3:57:53 PM: run npm fund for details
3:57:53 PM: found 799 vulnerabilities (763 low, 4 moderate, 32 high)
3:57:53 PM: run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details
3:57:54 PM: > swiftlane-web@1.0.0 build /opt/build/repo/swiftlane
3:57:54 PM: > gatsby build
3:57:57 PM: error Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - utils.js:20 getGlobalStatus
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/utils.js:20:54
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - internal-actions.js:137 Object.startActivity
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/internal-actions.js:137 :51
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - redux.js:483 Object.startActivity
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[redux]/lib/redux.js:483:35
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - reporter-timer.js:24 Object.start
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/reporter-timer.js:24:23
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - index.js:125 module.exports
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/dist/bootstrap/index.js:125:12
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - build.js:72 build
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/dist/commands/build.js:72:13
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - create-cli.js:174 cli.command.handler.getCommandHandler
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/create-cli.js:174:14
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - create-cli.js:101 argv
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/create-cli.js:101:24
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - create-cli.js:35 Object.args [as handler]
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/create-cli.js:35:19
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - command.js:238 Object.runCommand
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[yargs]/lib/command.js:238:44
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - yargs.js:1063 Object.parseArgs [as _parseArgs]
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[yargs]/yargs.js:1063:30
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - yargs.js:566 Object.parse
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[yargs]/yargs.js:566:25
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - create-cli.js:404 module.exports.argv
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/create-cli.js:404:6
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - index.js:141 Object.
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/index.js:141:24
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - loader.js:778 Module._compile
3:57:57 PM: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - loader.js:789 Object.Module._extensions…js
3:57:57 PM: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: error UNHANDLED REJECTION Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - utils.js:20 getGlobalStatus
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/utils.js:20:54
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - internal-actions.js:108 createPendingActivity
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/internal-actions.js:108 :51
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - redux.js:483
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[redux]/lib/redux.js:483:35
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - catch-exit-signals.js:37 prematureEnd
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/catch-exit-signals.js:37:38
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - reporter.js:71 Reporter [as panic]
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/reporter.js:71:42
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - create-cli.js:35 Promise.resolve.then.err
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/create-cli.js:35:74
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - next_tick.js:68 process._tickCallback
3:57:57 PM: internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - loader.js:834 Function.Module.runMain
3:57:57 PM: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - node.js:283 startup
3:57:57 PM: internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - node.js:623 bootstrapNodeJSCore
3:57:57 PM: internal/bootstrap/node.js:623:3
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: error UNHANDLED EXCEPTION Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - utils.js:20 getGlobalStatus
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/utils.js:20:54
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - internal-actions.js:108 createPendingActivity
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/redux/internal-actions.js:108 :51
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - redux.js:483
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[redux]/lib/redux.js:483:35
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - catch-exit-signals.js:37 prematureEnd
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/catch-exit-signals.js:37:38
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - reporter.js:71 Reporter [as panic]
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/reporter/reporter.js:71:42
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - index.js:136 process.on.reason
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[gatsby]/[gatsby-cli]/lib/index.js:136:21
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - index.js:155 processEmit [as emit]
3:57:57 PM: [swiftlane]/[signal-exit]/index.js:155:32
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - promises.js:140 emitPromiseRejectionWarnings
3:57:57 PM: internal/process/promises.js:140:18
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - next_tick.js:69 process._tickCallback
3:57:57 PM: internal/process/next_tick.js:69:34
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - loader.js:834 Function.Module.runMain
3:57:57 PM: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - node.js:283 startup
3:57:57 PM: internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: - node.js:623 bootstrapNodeJSCore
3:57:57 PM: internal/bootstrap/node.js:623:3
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM:
3:57:57 PM: /opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/reporter/redux/utils.js:20
3:57:57 PM: const currentActivities = [id, …Object.keys(logs.activities)];
3:57:57 PM: ^
3:57:57 PM: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘activities’ of undefined
3:57:57 PM: at getGlobalStatus (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/reporter/redux/utils.js:20:54)
3:57:57 PM: at createPendingActivity (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/reporter/redux/internal-actions.js:108:51)
3:57:57 PM: at /opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/redux/lib/redux.js:483:35
3:57:57 PM: at prematureEnd (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/reporter/catch-exit-signals.js:37:38)
3:57:57 PM: at Reporter [as panic] (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/reporter/reporter.js:71:42)
3:57:57 PM: at process.on.error (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/gatsby/node_modules/gatsby-cli/lib/index.js:139:21)
3:57:57 PM: at process.emit (events.js:198:13)
3:57:57 PM: at processEmit [as emit] (/opt/build/repo/swiftlane/node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:155:32)
3:57:57 PM: at process._fatalException (internal/bootstrap/node.js:497:27)
3:57:57 PM: npm
3:57:57 PM: ERR! code
3:57:57 PM: npm
3:57:57 PM: ERR! errno
3:57:57 PM: 7
3:57:57 PM: npm ERR!
3:57:57 PM: swiftlane-web@1.0.0 build: gatsby build
3:57:57 PM: npm
3:57:57 PM: ERR! Exit status 7
3:57:57 PM: npm ERR!
3:57:57 PM: npm ERR! Failed at the swiftlane-web@1.0.0 build script.
3:57:57 PM: npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
3:57:57 PM: npm
3:57:57 PM: ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
3:57:57 PM: npm ERR! /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2020-04-19T13_57_57_130Z-debug.log
3:57:57 PM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
3:57:57 PM: Caching artifacts
3:57:57 PM: Started saving node modules
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving node modules
3:57:57 PM: Started saving yarn cache
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving yarn cache
3:57:57 PM: Started saving pip cache
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving pip cache
3:57:57 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Started saving go dependencies
3:57:57 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
3:58:02 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 7
3:58:02 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
3:58:03 PM: failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 7
3:58:03 PM: Finished processing build request in 4m33.087483175s

Hi there.

Have you read our build debugging guide? [Support Guide] Debugging Netlify site builds

It describes not only almost certainly what is wrong (my quick guess is a version mismatch) but also how to debug, and once you have debugged, the questions we need the answers to (including what you tried and found) to continue advising you in your debugging.