Function work on local but not working on netlify


I’m new with netlify and i try to build a function.
this function will visit a website and check if there is a link to IG ( Instagram ).
if there is then it will continue to get the info for that profile ( follower count etc ).

I’m using netlify-lambda,
i tested on my machine it work fine.
but when i publish it , it doesn’t work
i dont know how to debug it.

I also tried with netlify-cli and run netlify dev,
it give me a new function url , i try it and it work.
republish it to netlify and it doesn’t work.

this is the function url :

it expect a url paramter and value like

any help is really appreciated.
Thank you

Hey! Unfortunately, that doesn’t let us see the function. But, the output reckons that there’s a syntax error. You might find some help over at StackOverflow for that particular error! :slight_smile: