Find from where a static site has been created

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I have found this url published:

but I cannot find in my accounts that there is really that published. I have deleted what I thought it could have an account publishing that from, but that did not delete that url. This is affecting the real domain, which is the one without master–

Is there a way to find where this has been pushed from?

Thanks a lot in advance.

um, seems a feature from netlify. Is there a way to remove it? I also found it is disconnected from the main repo (I changed branch naming). Not sure now why it’s not being udpated with main branch instead of master as it was before

hey @urwen, i am having a little difficulty understanding, but is a branch of master on the site alexmoreno. Is alexmoreno your site?

Yes, it is. Not sure how or if I can remove the master-- url, as it may be hurting my seo. That’s my question

you should be able to administer these settings in your Netlify dashboard:

thanks for that info. I have done that, but my preview branches are still appearing. Is that normal? How can I remove it, in particular https://master– ?
