Domain is not expected to contain a scheme

Hello guys, I couldn’t found this answer searching here.

I have followed the tutorial to allow the netlify CMS on my Gatsby website:

But when I try to access the CMS I have this error:

// 20200822101023

  "error": " is not expected to contain a scheme"

Note: the CMS works fine when Iaccess on localhost.

My config.yml is configured like this on backend section:

name: github
repo: luanmessias/gatsby-course
branch: master # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)

The error is about this site_domain.

Thank you so much!

Hi @luanmessias, can you either remove the site_domain configuration or change it to site_domain::

Usually you don’t nee to configure it as the CMS will use the current domain.

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Olá Luan! Estou tendo esse mesmo problema, gostaria de saber o que vc fez para corrigilo. Agradeço desde já

Hey @erez thank you very much for your help, removing the branch and site_domain from the backend section works for me.

@agraluca tudo bem?
Eu segui a dica do amigo acima mesmo, na sessão de backend deixa só o name e o repo que vai funcionar. Espero que te ajuda, para mim funcionou sim.

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