Domain has expired and can't enable auto renew


My domain name has expired 6 days ago and I can’t seem to get it back, even though i have a valid credit card on file even after i try to enable auto renew. Would appreciate any help I could get!

hey there, looks like we can assist with this. I’ve opened a ticket in our billing helpdesk to assist you - we’ve sent you an email and will follow up with you there.

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I have the same exact same issue and mine has been for 15 days domain name is i just added a new payment method

The domain will have to be manually renewed from our end. If you’re okay with the renewal charges being added to your next bill, let us know and we can proceed.

Please do proceed, I have already given permission to one of your agents, but my website is still down, it’s been three days now

Hi, your domain has been renewed. Please remember not to make multiple post in the forums as it slows our response times.