Does Netlify analytics exclude scrapers from stats?

I’ve noticed a significant difference between my Netlify analytics and a client-side analytics package which I use. Netlify is reporting 3x as many page views as my client-side analytics. The client-side package is designed to avoid tracker blockers by running on a custom sub-domain so I don’t believe this accounts for the discrepancy.

Does Netlify analytics exclude hits from user agents with keywords like Bot, Prerender, Scraper etc?

Hey @cbovis,

So, there’s a couple of things at play. Being server-side, Netlify Analytics will obtain numbers based on all users – even those with ad/traffic blockers enabled. This does also include scrapers and crawlers. There’s several Netlify Analytics reviews and comparisons online which discuss the pros and cons rather well.

Personally, I see Netlify Analytics used on projects because it’s GDPR compliant. It’s nice to not have to create consent banners!

There’s no right or wrong – it boils down to your individual use case and what’s important to you.