Deploy from Github Debug about a "Gatsby build" hold up from forestry cms

Hey @sukhigrewal, Thanks for pointing out the outdated GitHub repo url in package.json, I went ahead and updated that — it’s curious cause I don’t think that would cause the build to fail. But either way, glad you figured it out! And feel free to open issues on that starter if you run into any other problems.


thank you for chiming in, @kendallstraut!

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Hi @kendallstraut! I will do that. I am surprised correcting the repository url in the package.json made the build successful. I think every time a deploy starts it needs that url to draw the starter. I definitely thought it was forestry at first…still struggling unbelievably with that cms :frowning:

If I understand what was described as the solve, I think that URL is unrelated and perhaps just getting your build command correct (& purging the old package-lock file or previous node_modules cache) was probably the real solve.

To share my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong), Netlify doesn’t use that package.json repository URL as a reference for what to build — it connects to a specific repository on your github account that is selected when you add a new site from Git, so the package.json repository URL is essentially metadata about the project. If it’s removed entirely from the package.json, the site will still build.

If you’re curious, you can check-out the project’s README where you can use a Deploy To Netlify button, and it should just work without needing to configure build settings.

And if you have any questions about using this starter with Forestry in terms of configuring the CMS, feel free to start a discussion as an issue on GitHub (even if it’s just a question on how to do something) or reach out to Forestry support :hugs:.