Collection configuration for posts in year/month folder structure

Hello, I’m new to Netlify CMS. I need help configuring the collections to read and write posts in a blog folder structure that resembles {{year}}/{{month}}/{{slug}}.

I have a site built with Hugo that supports three languages. The language code appends to the URL as but the default is English.

The blog entries in Hugo’s file structure exist in the content folder under a folder called news and are organized by additional sub-folders by year and month, e.g., content/news/2020/06/ All articles have identical file locations and slugs except the language code is appended before the .md file extension, e.g.,,

I was able to setup the CMS but am unsure how to configure collections so that:

  1. The collections show existing articles in the {{year}}/{{month}} folders.
  2. New articles are created in the appropriate {{year}}/{{month}} folders.

Here’s a sample of the collections configuration for an English label:

  - label: "News (English)"
    name: "news_english"
    folder: "content/news"
    path: "{{year}}/{{month}}/{{slug}}"
    preview_path: "news/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{slug}}"
    create: true
    filter: {field: "language", value: "en"}
      - {label: "Language", name: "language", widget: "select", options: ["en", "es", "ko"]}
      - {label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string"}
      - {label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime"}
      - {label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown"}`

@cptncrnch Welcome to the Netlify Community. I don’t know the answer to your question, but I changed the topic from netlify-newbie to netlify-cms, as that seemed to fit better.

Hi @cptncrnch and welcome, @gregraven thanks for clarification.

@cptncrnch, I think you would need an extra piece of configuration to save files with the relevant locale:

  - label: "News (English)"
    name: "news_english"
    folder: "content/news"
    slug: "{{fields.title}}.{{fields.language}}"
    path: "{{year}}/{{month}}/{{slug}}"
    preview_path: "news/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{slug}}"
    create: true
    filter: {field: "language", value: "en"}
      - {label: "Language", name: "language", widget: "select", options: ["en", "es", "ko"]}
      - {label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string"}
      - {label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime"}
      - {label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown"}`

That should save files under content/news/2020/06/

If that is not the case, can you share where are files being saved?

Thanks, @erez, the {{fields.language}} tag helped create the file extensions with proper locale. I realize now that the files are saving in the correct directory, but it’s the filter setting that isn’t properly showing the files in each collection. If I remove the filter setting line, I’m able to see all of the files in the news folder from every subdirectory. If I keep the filter settings as follows:

filter: {field: "language", value: "en"}

then the collection shows No Entries.

All of my original posts didn’t have the language variable in their frontmatter, so I expected them to not show in the collection. However, when I created a new post within Netlify CMS and edited an existing post to include the language: en line in the frontmatter, they also didn’t show in the appropriate filtered collection.

The frontmatter of the newly created test post looks like this:

language: en
title: Test post
date: 2020-07-01T01:55:14.324Z

(I haven’t looked into the DateTime widget settings yet.)

The frontmatter of my edited existing post looks like this:

language: en
title: “Title of Post”
date: 2020-06-09T06:00:00-07:00

Hi @cptncrnch, that might be related to a pagination bug collection list is empty when using folder-collections-path and > 20 subfolders · Issue #3950 · netlify/netlify-cms · GitHub
How many entries do you have in the collection folder?
Can you try sorting the entries (that would force loading all entries)?

@erez, I have 22 entries. Sorting the entries does force load the entries and I’m able to see the two posts with the language: en line in its frontmatter.

Thanks @cptncrnch, that helps to confirm the issue.