Changes coming to Netlify site URLs: .com to .app

Looks like about 1 hour ago custom headers stopped working?
We use CORS headers in our Netlify site (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) in order to be able to pull some json using xhr requests. Those requests now are failing due to the missing CORS headers.


Sorry to hear about the trouble, @mtrias! Behavior of headers should not have been CHANGED by this, unless you explicitly mention in them for some reason - in which case you should change to

Thanks for the quick reply. We do not point to because we are using a custom domain. Do we still need to change something?

Ah, I know… it’s the CNAME on our side.
We’ll change that now.Thanks!

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No changes to DNS should have been required if you access your site at the custom domain. Not sure exactly what happened there so do let me know if your fix doesn’t seem to work!

@fool i miss any “official” blog post or doc about this site moving …

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hi Muescha, for our most serious announcements we generally send emails, which we did for this change several times over the last 60 days! Are you having issues with your site, specifically?

I seem to have the same issue. How exactly are you fixing?

Hey guys,

We’re facing issues with Access Control using JWT where, after this domain update, it just stopped working.

Our users can’t access our content anymore.

Is there any missing step for it to get back working?

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hi, i’m Sepehr Azizi
i really love netlify and i’m actually planning to buy premium account. i use netlify functions for my Telegram Bot, but suddenly my bot stopped working last night. i tried to test my bot locally and it worked but looks like my functions on netlify doesn’t work when a telegram request comes.
i clearly can’t post any logs because the communication is between telegram servers and netlify servers. i tried to see my lambda function log from the admin panel but it doesn’t show anything it just keeps loading and nothing comes up
i would be so grateful if anyone can fix my problem :heart:

this is the latest log i got from telegram. any ideas?

Could you please update the bot to use the new hostname ( as mentioned here?

Should get things working again. Not all tools follow redirects, and it seems this is one such.

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You are a life-saver man :heart:

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@fool any thoughts on this?

hi there, this sounds potentially related, but we might need to do some more investigating. thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We’ve sent you an email associated with your paid team to follow up on this.

Hiya @marcopchen and welcome to our community!

As I mentioned to @mtrias no changes to DNS should have been needed to accommodate this change. If you were somewhere OUTSIDE of DNS hardcoding the type path, you’d need to update that - e.g. in your Access-Control-Allow-Origin type HTTP headers for instance. If that doesn’t ring any bells, and you want to link us to your site we might be able to help debug further.

So, in our case, we were using a custom domain for our docs site (at ) and we pull content from it using AJAX in our app ( ). When Netlify made the domain change, our docs site started being redirected to Browsers where reporting a CORS headers problem, but the fix in our case was actually to change a CNAME record in our DNS servers to point to the proper place.

Commited changes in my .com are not reflecting again, why please? would redirect, thats fine, what about commited changes ? its like I have two domain names, the more updated and the less updated commited changes should reflect, kindly look into this please.

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Your issue is extremely unlikely to be related to this migration. Nonetheless, we’ll be happy to help you debug that other situation, if you’ll get us the value of the x-nf-request-id for some “stale” content you saw. This post describes how: [Support Guide] Netlify Support asked for the 'x-nf-request-id' header? What is it and how do I find it?

I used a custom domain, its fine now. Thanks!

FYI. I use and is on some sort of blacklist there.

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