Certificate provisioning stuck for days

Hi all,

I’ve been having trouble provisioning a certificate for my domain “jvhellemond.nl”. Two sites, jvhellemond-components.netlify.com and jvhellemond-nl.netlify.com, both using the domain, have been stuck on “Currently provisioning your Let’s Encrypt certificate” for at least 4 days now. What can I do about this? I removed and reconfigured the sites and even moved DNS for this domain to Netlify, but still no cert.

Regards, Jan

Hi, @jvhellemond. Thanks for reporting these two sites. We’ve gotten the Let’s Encrypt certificates working for them sites now.

If there are other questions or concerns, please let us know.

Hi Luke,

Thanks, those sites work fine now. I had a branch deploy for https://development.components.jvhellemond.nl/ that still gave a cert error, but I recreated it and got a new cert.

Regards, Jan

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great that it’s working :tada:!