CDN asset caching problem after deployment

Hmm, that HAR file seems to be broken in some way - I can’t really browse it in the normal way using the har analyzer tool (same page I linked). Sorry but I don’t understand the format well enough to know what is wrong, but perhaps you could email us one in the helpdesk since I know you’re a customer with access via - or even ping me as @fool in our shared slack (not sure what it is called on your side, but we are large customers of yours and folks on your team like mgr and grant are active in the channel) - and we can talk a bit more about it there?

However, from the messages you shared, I see several 404’s for files that are indeed missing: net::ERR_ABORTED 404

this looks like maybe a problem when there is a weird situation in the local cache (which matches up well with the symptoms you share), written up in detail here: [Support Guide] Why do I see “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <” errors? How can I use chunking or versioning for my assets at Netlify?

Are you doing any of the techniques mentioned there to prevent users with old sessions from trying to load old assets (or recovering gracefully if they do)?