Can't remove sub-domain in DNS settings

I’m using 3 custom domains for my website:

However, in the DNS panel, there are additional entries including two for (NETLIFY and NETLIFYv6):

I wonder where these come from and why I can’t delete them. Could these be historical entries? I would like to use the subdomain as a custom CNAME instead.

It looks like you set this domain to point to a Netlify site. You will need to disconnect the domain from the site.

  1. Go to your site of (it might be called “”) in your dashboard
  2. Click on Site Settings and click Domain Management in the left sidebar
  3. In the row for click on Options and delete the domain
  4. You should now be able to add a CNAME in your DNS settings

Thanks @kalinpatel, but surprisingly the Domain Management only lists those three domains I’ve mentioned in my post.

The status subdomain was in that list at some point, but I’ve removed it at least two days ago.

I should also mention that I can add a CNAME for that subdomain, but since it’s not working, I’m suspecting a conflict with those other entries. Using a different subdomain as CNAME for the same target works without problems.

Hi, @idleberg. This sounds like a NETLIFY type record conflict.

We have more information about the NETLIFY and NETLIFYv6 type DNS records here:

Please read that support guide above for an in-depth explanation of how these records behave with our service. The three key points there are summarized as:

  • These records are locked by default and can be unlocked by our support team.
  • These records only connect domain names to IP addresses.
  • These records do not control which site the domain name is linked to (if any).

I’ve unlocked the existing records for the domain you mentioned now. If there are other questions or concerns, please let us know.