Can I do shopping website in netlify using PHP as my backend?

Hi! Im wondering, If I could create a shopping store in netlify? is that possible? like for example with carts and payments etc?

Hi Jenuel, Yes you can create a shopping store in Netlify.

Two integrations which will enable carts and payments is Shopify Buy Button and Snipcart

Snipcart folks have done an excellent comparison of the two:

Snipcart folks also have a lot of tutorials on their blog on how to integrate Snipcart with any static site generator, for example with Hugo:

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oh, thanks a lot. I have another question? can I use PHP as the backend? thanks

You can’t. I could try to explain why, but people already did a far better job here

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thanks :slight_smile:

Don’t overlook Ecwid. It’s really slick. Even has a free tier, IIRC.