Branch Domain SSL for Akita Software Staging

Hi, @smaher. For our process for manually updating the SSL certificate for branch subdomains, the naming rules must be followed. There is one workaround, however.

You can make a new site for this same repo. For the new site, make the production branch the one in question (like “staging” in this case).

Once that is done, you can assign any custom domain that you want and our support team won’t need to manually update it. You could then have the custom domain assigned and it would be deploying the staging branch. This is the only workaround for this at this time.

If you don’t use the workaround, then the naming rules in the support guide must be followed for the manual process to succeed.

The certificate provisioning has stopped so you can change the custom domains now. Note, you must delete any unused custom domains before SSL certificate provisioning will work. (Meaning, removing from any sites as there are no DNS records for that domain name.)

Would making a new site just for this branch be an acceptable workaround?

​Please let us know if there are any questions and/or if this workaround doesn’t work as promised.